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back of heels hurt both feet for 6 years

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by johns feet hurt, May 6, 2010.

  1. johns feet hurt

    johns feet hurt New Member

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    for 6 years now my heels mostly the back hurt i have no morning pain my pain worsens when on my feet by 11 am my feet are killing me and i need to sit then ill work agian and it keeps getting worse standing hurts more than walking i have no pain when sleeping ether the test i had dont were MRI showed nothing wrong no plantar phash no stress fracs nothing had EMG and NCS and that came up with good nerves and no entrapment now doc thinks it might be fat pad atrophy i am only 34 years old and male 6foot tall and now 180 pounds i have three pair custom orthotics and walking mats for my shoes gel heel cups and nothing works for pain i feel like docs gave up on me
    what else could cause so much pain it doesent feel like a bruised bone and when doc pushes around he cant make it hurt it is like a burning pain also i did phisical theripy for 4 months have great shoes my doc said i will be like this for rest of my life what should i do
    please help
  2. johns feet hurt

    johns feet hurt New Member

    how do you know if you have enough fat pad would my mri show that and would it not hurt as bad when i walk thankyou for any reply go back to dr in three weeks any suggestion would be great to ask him about he does not do botox injs do to not fda approved
  3. codfather

    codfather New Member

    hi john , i am 47 yr old ive had pains in the back base of my heels for a long time now ,20 yrs plus ! ive had all the same tests done and the same things too try , sadly as i sit here in pain reading your problem i am still searching for an answer ! the only thing that helps me now is ice packs ! keep searching live in hope is my advice !
  4. Marckap

    Marckap New Member

    Hey john my name is Marc I'm 34 also have all the same symptoms u are having it's been going on for the past 7 years had all the same tests done also I am 5,10 180 always been athletic but I feel like this ended my life as I try my best not to think this way
  5. Marckap

    Marckap New Member

    John you can call me to talk because I'm not to familiar with how to use this site if you want my number is 9142181527 I never been in a situation like this maybe you have some better advise Ty hopefully hear from you soon

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