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Lisfranc Ligament rupture

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I'll try to make this as short as possible:) In February, I dropped a very heavy object on my foot, waited a week for it to feel better and ended up going to urgent care since the pain/swelling/bruising wasn't getting better. They took x-rays, told me I had a fracture, put me on crutches and told me to follow up with a foot specialist.

    Went to the foot specialist, he took x-rays, told me I had 3 very small fractures, put me in a cam walker (boot), which I've had on since then. Been back to the foot specialist several times and the last time he took another x-ray and said something looked off around the Lisfranc joint. Sent me for an MRI, went back to foot specialist this week to review MRI, he tells me that the Lisfranc Ligament is completely ruptured...MRI report used the word "obliterated" so I'm guessing it's not going to grow back on it's own:)

    Anyway, he basically said this injury typically happens in high-impact atheletes (which I am not), and he's only seen about 5 of them in his career, so he doesn't do the type of surgery needed to correct the problem. He's sending me to a surgeon next week, so fine, I'll see the surgeon and figure it out.

    My question is, has anyone had this type of injury before? Anyone know what the surgery is and what the success rate is of this kind of surgery? Recovery time? Mobility after surgery? After effects, like pain, long-term and short-term, stiffness, range of motion, etc.? I've done about as much research as I can do and I'm just not finding much information in the way of a completely ruptured Lisfranc ligament...there's some info out there about a torn ligament, but it doesn't appear to be the same thing that's going on with me. I'm just looking for any information I can find, and specifically any questions that I should be asking the doctor when I see him. I'm just kind of at a loss right now. I'd appreciate any info anyone has!


  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I figured I'd add, in case I get asked later, that the pain that I'm having is pretty localized to an area about 2-3 inches in diameter on the top part of my foot, over the area where the Lisfranc joint is located. It does not hurt to walk, unless I go a day or so without the cam walker, but it's still quite painful to touch that area. It is a mix of red and purple discoloration over the area, burns and shoots pain when it's touched.

    There MRI did say the bones apparently look fine in relation to that, but that there is some degeneration of some areas possibly due to osteoarthritic change...no idea what that means. I'm happy to quote the text of the MRI if it helps, but I don't want to be presumptuous.


  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest


    I saw the surgeon today and I won't give the details because frankly they just tick me off and most are irrelevant. But the surgeon told me he did not "believe" the ligament was ruptured regardless of what the MRI said because in his experience, this injury also has some kind of fracture along with it. Of course he also didn't want to order a new MRI. I had to ask him to look at the MRI, ask him to read the MRI report and his response to my questions about what the verbiage on the MRI means was "this is why patients shouldn't have access to their medical records."

    The point is, my original foot specialist told me the way to correct this injury was either a cast or surgery then a cast - the goal being complete immobilization. The surgeon's opinion is to do just the opposite - lose the cam walker, "suck it up" and start walking again...and apparently he'll send me to physical therapy if I think I need it.

    I've scheduled an appointment for next week with a different foot specialist altogether, so perhaps he can break the tie. In the meantime, does anyone have any experience with this injury? Do I continue in the boot? Is the boot making it worse? I don't understand how two doctors who are practicing the same type of medicine can have such polar opposite opinions on how it should be treated.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hi I am dealing with the same type of injury and will find out next week when I have to get surgery. I did mine by falling off my steps. If I was you I would go and get another opinion from a different surgeon.
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Oh my goodness, I am getting freaked out by reading all these things. My foot feels like a mess inside and puffy, bruising on outside. My 2nd and 3rd toe are killing me. I rolled my ankle two weeks ago and heard snap, crackle and pop. (Grossed me out) Even my ankle is still bruised. I cant walk on it much and have the boot and crutches. Just got results yesterday I tore the lisfrance ligament. Does that mean surgery or just a cast. I am waiting for the the ortho docs to call me to make the appointment from the referral from my family doc. I have no clue what to expect. I feel like I am going to walk in there and they will say there is nothing wrong, go home. One thing you have to understand too, I can't take any pain meds because about 7 years ago I became dependent on narcs due to another surgery that went bad. So I have been living on ice. And I can't take Aleve products because I had stomach surgery. So talk about punishment of something that happened many years ago. Its not like I was a junkie. I just got dependent on them and I opted to go off them myself and get the right treatment because I knew how dangerous it was becoming. Give me some credit. I hope my doctor will help me with pain control because I am really getting emotionally drained from the pain too. Any advice from anyone would be great. This is all so new for me. I have 3 wonderful young boys too to chase. Try that one!! I don't mind the cast thing, but another surgery would send me to the nut house. To many bad memories with last one.

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