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Pain in the ball of my feet.

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by miss-sore-feet, May 15, 2009.

  1. miss-sore-feet

    miss-sore-feet New Member

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    Heya all, im new to this joined a while ago but not posted anything. I really need some help here guys...I suffer constanly with pains in the balls of my feet. I work in a hospital and could be on my feet for at least 10 hours a day, by the end of the day I can barely walk. I take panadol/tylex for pain as someone once told me I could have osteoarthritist in my feet because I was told I had a very very mild start of it in my knee. (my knee doesnt pain me what soever, it did twice before and I was send for an xray and it came back that I was at very very early stages of osteoarthritist)..Please can someone help as when I get home from work I am not physically able to move it just seems to get worse. Also can I add that when I wake first thing in the morning I dont be able to put my feet flat on the ground I walk on the sides of them and cant ever ever walk without shoes or slippers on my feet...
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Pain in the ball of the foot is not a very common major complaint for someone suggesting that the cause might be osteoarthritis. As you work at a hospital, why not get a recommendation from one of the nurses for a good staff podiatrist and see him/her? I'm sure that at the very least you could get a professional courtesy discount even if you don't have insurance.
  3. miss-sore-feet

    miss-sore-feet New Member

    I work in a hospital which deals with intellectual disabilities...not quiet the same...;)
    Last edited: May 15, 2009

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