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Foot Crushed!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Broken, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. Broken

    Broken New Member

    I am a 29 year old man who has just suffered a serious injury and am not quite sure how this is going to affect me later in life. maybe someone else has gone through this and they could give me some insight. I was recently standing next to a picnic table while attempting to take a group photo with a large group of friends. i was standing in front of the table when some of my friends thought it would be a good idea to get on the table so we could all fit in the photo. there were about 15 people on the table when it collapsed. it knocked me down and trapped my leg up to right below my knee. when they lifted the table it was clear my foot was broken.

    Diagnosis: left first metatarsal fracture dislocation. left second metatarsal fracture. left third metatarsal fracture. left fourth metatarsal fracture.

    I had 4 pins put in 0ne in the third metatarsal that is permanent. one along the 2nd metatarsal and 2 to hold the first metatarsal which dislocated in place. those 3 have since been removed due to infection. the problem now is the 2nd metatarsal is not in line and the first is starting to dislocate again, possibly from the pins being taken out early due to infection. i also cannot lift my toes possibly from the tendens being severed when the bones broke. The doctor now wants to put a permanent pin in 2nd metatarsal and a plate and a screw along the first to keep it in place.

    i am usually a very active person and i fear that this will severly limit my ability to do the things i enjoy. Does anyone have any recommendations to help my recovery?

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