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Help with 5th metatarsal stress fracture

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Joantroj, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. Joantroj

    Joantroj Guest

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    Hello:) I had bunion surgery and mid foot fusion on 6/23. Had the best ortho foot and ankle surgeon in Phila. NWB for 4 weeks(Cam Walker), PWB for 4 weeks still with Cam walker. The first day I was allowed to FWB on on Cam Boot and sneaker, I couldn't-bad pain. I went back to Dr. the next day, and the new Xray showed the stress fracture on the 5th metatarsal:( So upset. Cast for two weeks, then another X-ray,Dr. said I could go back into Cam boot. He told me I could do full weightbearing as tolerated. Here's the problem, I am so afraid to full weight bear. Since I saw Dr. 1 and 1/2 weeks ago, I have been PWB with my crutches. I started to FWB yesterday, and I can't!! I keep switching to my "good" foot with a limp and a hop. I kept at it leaning on my wheel walker in front of me-it hurts in the vicinity of the stress fracture. I can't feel the sore part on my foot where the fracture is anymore when I press on it, but if I move my foot around, I can feel some pain there. I can also feel some pain when I try to FWB. I am sooo frustrated. 8 weeks recovering from foot surgery, and now 3 weeks recovering from stress fracture. I'm a teacher, and I want to be back in school. I figure when I was told to walk at 8 weeks and felt the stress fracture when I first stepped, and it showed up on Xrays, that I must have had it already in the first 8 weeks. I don't know how that would be possible. The area where I had the stress fracture was bruised along the side of my foot right after surgery. I figured it was because of the bunion surgery and the midfoot fusion, but it was on the opposite side. I am so depressed, I just want to walk, and I am so afraid of hurting the stress fracture. I want there to be no pain there at all. The Cam Walker is sooo hard to walk in. Please, I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks so much.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Especially trauma cases and surgical cases which have been complicated by trauma are often one of a kind situations with nuances specific to the case. Forums are not for the purpose of offering specific evaluation of an actual cases. That requires a hands-on evaluation. As I have not and cannot make a physical assessment of your status, it would not be possible to offer you meaningful feedback which would necessarily apply to your individual situation. As always, if one is dissatisfied or concerned with treatment as rendered by his/her chosen doctor, a second opinion by examination is generally in order.

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