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corns at ball of little toes

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Oct 1, 2010.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    For several years I have been taking out the hard bit of a corn at the ball of my little toe on one foot, a while ago it showed up in the same spot on my right foot.

    Along the same time frame, a serious callous developed on the outer part of the "sole" of my big toe on each foot, on the part of my toemthat is closer to the rest of my foot. The worse one is definitely getting painful.

    I am scared to go to a podriatrist because the nearest one is a couple of hours away, and my reading online indicates that corns are more often found on toes or other places on the sole. My doctor recommended inserts and stuff to dissolve the callous but as you point out on the other page, that won't really work without addressing the underlying problem.

    Inserts lift the inner part of my foot up which puts more pressure on the part under my little toe and so are not helpful either.

    I do have the tendency to go barefoot a lot as we take our shoes off at the door and I spend a lot of time indoors and never wear high heels, mostly flipflops and flats.

    Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated :)
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Oops, I read the "directions" after I posted. I knew that you probably wouldn't be able to say anything definitive about this, but I just don't want to drive for 4 hours only to be told that either there is nothing that can be done or that they have never seen such a thing and don't know what to make of it. (I had TMJ syndrome for several years before they "discovered" it, so I've been through that, altho at least these symptoms are visible!)

    So if you were just to say this is not that unusual and any podriatrist should be able to help, or say a special type of podriatrist would be more familiar with this sort of thing, or save me a trip with no answers, that is what I really need.

    Thanks very much!
  3. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Your description of your concern and its location lack clarity, but I would bet that if I actually examined your foot I could make a diagnosis and give you recommendations for treatment. Where in the world do you live that the closest podiatrist is a two-hour drive away?
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Belated thanks for your very prompt reply :)

    I live way out in the country. Hardly anyone lives out here, so we don't have a lot of stuff nearby like Walmart. But I did find out that the closer podiatrist who left was replaced, so I only have to go an hour and a half :)

    It is really good to know that he will probably be able to tell what is wrong when he sees what is going on. Thanks very much for your reassurance on that point!

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