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Pain and weakness in muscles in ball of the foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by tired of pain, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. tired of pain

    tired of pain New Member

    I have had continuing pain in my feet for almost a year. After numerous trips to doctors who have shot me with cortisone and made me useless orthotics, I can definitely say I do not have neuromas (although I received cortisone shots for them), nor broken bones, nor joint pain of any kind. One dr. said I had hypermobile foot, another just said I was pronating and had a hypermobile first ray. Arch supports have helped slighly, but I still have pain. Metarsal pads have not helped and the custom orthotics that include a met pad seem to make thing worse. My pain is in the muscles near my toes and metatarsal heads. The greatest affected are the muscles in between by big toe and second metatarsal, and at the head of the second metatarsal. If I press on the heads of these toes, there is no pain. It is clearly muscles discomfort. If I massage them enough the pain will go away, until I start walking again. I have noticed that it is hard from me to planatarflex (bend) my toes. They are very weak and after trying to pend them they ache and even feel itchy (inside). I have been trying to strenthem these muscles each day but whenever I use them to walk or to to strengthening excercises, they are sore. I can't figure out what the problem is. I tried a homemade orthotic with a cutout under my second metatarsal and while is felt good for a day or so, I had really bad pain in the muscle directly under the second toe--must be from the toe trying to bend to the ground and no ground being there because of the cutout. Any idea what is causing my pain?

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