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acute fracture to second metatarsal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by sam88668, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. sam88668

    sam88668 New Member

    hi guys, about 6 and half weeks ago i suffered an acute fracture to my second metatarsal because someone stepped on it with their football stud.

    the fracture was displaced and I had surgery 2 days later which went well to insert a plate and 6 screws to align the fracture, I was in a backslab cast for 2 and half weeks and then moved to a fibreglass cast for two weeks NWB for either.

    So 4 and 1/2 weeks post op i went back to the fracture clinic and they gave me an airboot with instructions for partial weight bearing on the heel. I am due to go back in another 2 weeks so this by will then be 8 1/2 weeks post op. What do you guys think the rest of my recovery will be like? I'm worried (and curious) and just counting down the days until the next appt. Any advice would be much appareciated. I am very down and out about this, I am a 22 year old male and this has more or less ruined my life for the past month and half :(.



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