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5th metatarsal fracture

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Judith Mackay, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. Judith Mackay

    Judith Mackay New Member

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    I fracrured the base of my 5th metatarsal 11 days ago whilst away from home, was put in an open cast with back slab and told to visit my local hospital fracure clinic. I attended there this morning and the cast was removed and my foot was exrayed and the fracture was still clearly visible. The junior doctor I saw was in favour of putting on another cast but the consultant said to just apply tubigrip and no walking boot and to return in 2 weeks. I was initially very pleased with this as I am anxious to get on with housework etc but the two ladies on the ambulance tranport were very sceptical about this treatment as there is still quite a lot of swelling and brising apparent and the orthopoedic surgeon in quistion does not enjoy the best reptation. Please can you advise me if I need to question this decision and if so, who do I ask?
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Every case in medicine requires an individual evaluation, and even so, valid opinions may differ among doctors. This is evidenced in your case by the difference of opinion between the two doctors who saw you. Which one, if either, is more correct can certainly not be determined by someone sitting before a computer knowing only that you sustained a fracture. I take it by your use of the terms "fracture clinic" and "consultant" that you are in the U.K. and under the NHS, and that your options for a second opinion are limited. But that is what appears to be needed to satiate your concerns. I would have no idea as to whom you would ask for that to be done.

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