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Pain in Big Toe and ball of Foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by busybee, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. busybee

    busybee New Member

    Pain in left big toe and ball of foot. Hurts badly to put weight on toe and ball of foot. Have had pain a little over one day. Prior to waking up with this my big toe would make a "cracking" or clicking sound when I would first wake up and stretch my feet. There is no swelling or redness. I can manipulate toe without pain. Most tender part would be on the bottom of toe and at its base and the ball of my foot on the right side. I am limping and this is not a good thing-got to get rid of this. Advil not helping. Ace bandage wrapped tightly helps some. Thank you in advance for any light that can be shed on this.

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