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flying post bunion surgery and 3rd toe fusion

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by DeDe, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. DeDe

    DeDe Guest


    I had bunion surgery, taylors bunion surgery and 3rd toe fusion 4.5 weeks ago. I am going on a holiday on a ten hour flight 6.5 weeks post op. I have been told that fyling could be a very painful experience after bunion surgery due to my feet swelling. Can you advise me on any thing I can do to minimalise this.

    I am also supposed to be having the same surgery on my left foot. My 3rd toe is curling under the 2nd. Is there another way, rather than a toe fusion to straighten the toe as I cannot bend the 3rd on my right after the fusionand it feels rather uncomfortable.

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