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L ankle pain post PTT tear repair

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by jfinkelmeyer, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. jfinkelmeyer

    jfinkelmeyer New Member

    I had a posterior tibialis tendon tear repair, 7/1/08.
    I have always had flat feet, so I think the tear happened over a period of years, but I first started feeling pain and inability to walk without a limp in 12/07.
    I was diagnosed with a tendon tear in mid Jan. 08, and saw an ortho. surgeon who put me in a brace for the winter, but in June the pain continued, I had another MRI and the tear had gotten bigger, so surgery was suggested to repair the tear.

    I was in a cast for approx. 10 days and then put in a cam boot with crutches for about 2 wks. and then told to weight bear as tolerated with support of crutch.
    I went to PT, wore orthotics post surgery up until 12/09 and then felt the pain again when walking. I had been relatively pain free up until then. My surgeon sent me back to PT for 3 months and when I went back with still no improvement, another MRI was done showing fluid around the tendon, and thickening of the tendon. He said it was 30% bigger than a normal tendon.
    Anyway, I went back in the brace for a awhile, boot but the symptoms continued.

    The ankle is rigid at times and aches on and off, mostly on, so I went to see another ortho. for another opinion in 4/09, and he sent me back to PT to strengthen my L hip, thigh and calf muscles, stating I am still weak from surgery on my affected leg, and it is putting undo stress on my PTT.

    My question is is this all I can expect from a tendon tear repair, that since I have flat feet and severe ankle pronation on my L foot, my PTT will continue to degenerate or tear some more? I wear orthotics and do my exercises, but I have not resumed my normal activities, like golfing, biking, because I don't have the stamina and I start limping, especially with golfing. I wear my orthotics, but some times I think, they make it worse. My foot feels like it can't stretch out, and is rigid with walking in orthotics, although, I keep wearing them. I don't know, I am at a loss.

    I feel stress and strain on my L ankle and when I stretch it out, it can only go so far. Will this improve over time and with PT or will I have to accept these are my limitations?

    I don't want to do further damage, but if I am doing all that I am told to do, and the symptoms are staying the same, is this all there is??

    Any advice or experience would be appreciated. I can give more information, if needed.

    Thank you, Jean

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