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Under Foot Pain when running

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by lyslexic, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. lyslexic

    lyslexic New Member

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    I hope someone can offer some advice. I am a runner and was running 30-50Km a week then stopped for 3weeks and when i attempted to start running again the under of my feet hurt after running for 900m or so. It stops hurting if i stop running and walk but returns again if i continue to run. It feels like the under of my feet are cramping (hurts under the arch and a bit front and back from it). I am flat footed and run in stability shoes. I have covered around 250Km in these shoes without any problems before. Some people have suggested it could be planter fascitis, however i have none of those symptoms...

    I've summaried below.

    where does it hurt - (to the front and back including the arch on both feet)

    how long has it hurt for - hurts when i run, when i stop running and walk slow it stops hurting

    how bad is the pain - The pain is really bad, feels like a bad cramp

    what where you doing when it started - running on the road or treadmill

    what have you done for it so far - nothing

    anything relieve it - walking (stop running)

    what have you been told about it so far - no one seems to know

    is it affecting your ability to work or play sport - yes, fast walking/running

    do you have any other sorts of symptoms - no other symptoms

    what country you are in - South Africa
  2. lyslexic

    lyslexic New Member

    If you don't know what the cause could be, then maybe you could suggest which kind of doctor i need to see. (physio, chiro, podiatrist, gp ect....)

    thanks in advance
  3. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    A hands-on evaluation is generally essential for diagnosis and treatment on which it might be based. I would think that a podiatrist would be a logical choice of a profession to consult.
  4. lyslexic

    lyslexic New Member

    Thanks, thats the best solution presented so far. The reason for the which doctor question was that the last time i had knee pain (ITB) i was referred to a Orthopeadic surgeon (very expensive) who gave me cotisone injections and referred me to a bio kinetist (spelling), who was no help and referred me to a physio who solved the problem. Didn't want to do over that again.

    Thanks again, will report back so anyone else with this problem in the future will have a solution.
  5. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    The best solution is often the most obvious one. Glad to have been of help.
  6. lyslexic

    lyslexic New Member

    Over use injury

    Orthotics ordered, hope it sorts the problem out.

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