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Please help!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Okay first of all i am writting to get advice on what could be going on with my ankle.

    Im male aged 29yrs and operate heavy equipment in the mining industry. On August the 2nd about 2am i stepped out of a excavator and stood on uneven ground. The weight and my twisting motion rolled my right ankle outwards. I heard 2 maybe 3 pops and fell to the ground in a lot of pain.
    I was unable to walk and was taken to our site medical centre. When i removed my boot i had a very large lump to the right side of my ankle smiular to a orange. I applied ice and was taken to the hospital. At the hospital they xrayed me and told me it was just a sprain.
    I went to my doctor and he sent me to a specialist and refered me to a physio.
    My physio started pretty much straight away going for 2 hrs a week. Physio consisted on massage, exercises and a ultrasound machine.
    My ankle swelled quite large and almost went black from my toes to about half way to my knee. I was unable to bear weight for about a mth.
    By the time i got to see the specialist it was almost 2 mths later and and brusing and swelling had subsided a fair bit but still present. He siad it was grade 3 sprain and left it at that.
    I then got a xray done again by my gp which read;
    "Soft tissue swelling is present at the medial and lateral malleolus more pronounced at the lateral malleolus. No evidence of an ankle joint effusion. There is a tiny bone fragment measuring 1mm present at the tip of the medial malleolus that would be consistent with a small ligmentous avulsion fracture fragment. No fracture of the lateral malleolus is demonstrated. The talar dome is intact."
    After 3 mths of physio the physio said that was all he could do. I still had limited movement and pain.
    So come decemeber (4mths after) I still had only 7cm of movemenet in my right ankle and 17cm in my left. It feels like there is a physical block prventing more movement.
    I still have pain to the lower part of both knukels on each side of my right ankle.
    I can walk however i can not walk down stairs normaly (I need to turn to the side) and i can no way run.
    I went back to the specialist and he got me a MRI which read;
    "Recent ligament strain anterior talofibular ligament. No further abnormality. There is some associated oedema in this region. There is no full thickness ligament tear, fracture or osteochondral defect."
    So now im worried there is nothing wrong but i dont know why i cant get that movement and im still experiancing pain.

    Any help? Please.........
  2. lisabfab

    lisabfab New Member

    Keep up with the physio and ask about the use of heat and cold alternating 5 - 10 times aday 5 mins each. The way to get the odeama down is through movement and heat/cold application. Allways follow G.P and physio's advice and ask about drug therapy to reduce swelling in the short term to be able to increase movement. But again never exercise without professional advice as you could damage the ankle further. It is hard, when things like this happen and the professionals sometimes forget to explain to the client what their injury means in layman's terms. Good luck.;)

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