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Toes and kinda foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I moved to Pa in 2007. That winter was the first time I started having this problem. It only seems to happen in the colder months. No matter what time of year it is I have chilly/cold hands, and if I'm not wearing socks at the very least, chilly/cold feet too. But since I have moved and am experiencing colder temperatures I have started having what seems like a deep itch and slight ache in my toes (especially big toes) and parts of my feet. I say it seems like a deep itch because that is the best way I can think to describe it. No amount of scratching or rubbing will alleviate the "itch". It mainly seems to be a night time thing. For the most part it starts when I get into bed and get comfortable. Rubbing my feet down with Gold Bond Medicated Lotion alleviates it enough for me to dismiss it and go to sleep. However, when I wake up in the morning it is far worse. It does "disappear" after I have been awake about 30 minutes to an hour.

    Today when I woke up it refused to disappear. So far the Gold Bond hasn't worked at all. I have found relief in soaking my feet in a bucket of Hot water. After the water got cold I dumped it, dried my feet off, put on clean socks, and put my house shoes/slippers back on. I always wear socks and house shoes in the colder months.

    There is no sores, lesions, wounds, blisters, scabs, bumps, cracks, or discoloration on my feet or toes. They look the same as they always do. There is no discoloration or abnormality in any of my toe nails. There is no ingrown, brittle, curved nails. My toe nails are white, with a healthy pink bed. I have no corns or calluses on my feet. I have not bought new shoes; and with the exception of my house shoes have not worn any pair of shoes for an extended amount of time in months. (I'm a online college student, unemployed)

    I have no prior medical conditions and haven't been sick. I eat a healthy balanced diet, take a multi vitamin, and take vitamin C on a daily basis.

    I really would like to have a general idea what this may be and what I can do to help alleviate it.

    Thank You

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