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Chronic Itch - Severe inside small toes itch that does not seem to go away

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    currently based in africa and every couple of weeks i get a very severe itch on the inside of my smallest toe, sometimes there is a little lump there however not all the time (also on the inside between the toes). also the itch sometimes goes to the second smallest toe, always on the inside between the toes. when on holidays in the uk the itch stops. the itch i get is very severe and i usually rub it until it is raw, the only usual way to get rid of the itch is to have a shower. the itch usually last a couple of days and mainly during morning and nights when i have my shoes off. i have tried anti bacterial cream and detol to not much avail, please advise as is very itchy.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Mine do the same..I think it may be athletes foot?
  3. tambratt

    tambratt New Member

    i am not a professional. this info is from personal trial only. my guess might be be a fungal infection, possibly athlete's feet. an old homeopathic treatment is boric acid powder. sounds funny but it works for my son. the OTC creams had no effect for him either. boric acid powder worked & totally eliminated the stink too. here's what we did: shower, dry feet totally (between toes), sprinkle powder & be sure to get in between all toes & put on clean socks so it doesn't track thru house. do this once a day, every day for one (1) week. you can also sprinkle in toe of shoes once a week to keep them bacteria/fungal free after that. hope it helps!
  4. Biomech

    Biomech New Member

    Athletes Foot - Canesten Thrush Cream and regular sock changes as a starter. If not improving within 1 week, needs further investigation

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