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Toenail and quick completly removed

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Signious, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. Signious

    Signious New Member

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    I recently had a door opened only to encounter my (bare) foot and all but tare off my toenail. Suprisingly there was very little blood, but painful none the less. After a quick look a realized that the only real conection left between the nail and my foot was about a half cm portion of the very back of the nail, and I figured to cut losses and pull the whole thing off. Underneath there was no small nail waiting in the wings as per what I was used to when loosing a nail to this type of situation. All that is left is very red (and very sensitive) skin. I have been cleanining it with alcohol and 3% Hydrogen peroxide every other night (It happened last friday) and I am wondering:
    -Should I go see a doctor (I am worried of infection because I cannot wear open toed footwear when it is -30 out haha, and the possibility of an ingrown toenail)
    -Or is it just not going to grow back at all?

    Thankyou for your time and experience!

  2. Signious

    Signious New Member

    PS - I am from Canada

    and I my doctor has flagged me for high risk of diabetes because of family history and fairly poor blood flow to my feet. Thanks again!

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