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Fluid in ball of foot

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Sharon3rd, Feb 27, 2011.

  1. Sharon3rd

    Sharon3rd New Member

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    For the past three years, I have suffered with severe pain in my left foot. I believe it could have come from two things: I had stepped on a piece of glass that was removed by my physician in the general area, AND I have severe arthritis in my right hip, which caused me to place all pressure on the ball of my left foot some ten plus years. I am a 45 year old woman, recent gastric bypass patient to relieve Hereditary Hemochromatosis (Iron Overload) and "Bronze" Diabetes. The surgery was a success, my iron is stablized and my diabetes gone. I weigh 168 and am 5'7". (Down from 223)

    I have had an MRI, Cat Scan, Xrays, and a sonogram. The only thing that has been revealed is a small area of fluid that lies in the ball of my foot under my second and third toe. The area of my pain.

    Morton's nueroma has been ruled out, as well as Diabetic Nueropothy. I have worn padding, a "space boot", rested it, received steroid shots and all have done nothing. Lyrica helped, but the side effects of it outweighted the benefits, so I stopped taking it.

    I now am taking Ultram, and adding in Tylenol. With no relief. Obviously, I want this pain to stop. I have exhausted all avenues of finding the culprit. Sometimes, that spot on my foot turns blue and has a gel like consistency to it. None of my doctors, including the brilliant staff at UAB (Alabama) know what to do about it. I have all but given up. Does anyone have an idea what this could be? If not the residue of the glass, what else could it be? It was only a tiny sliver, and I don't remember if it was in the exact same spot. However, it is close.

    Any help would be appreciated, as I can not walk far at all, and have to limit my time on my foot. It rules my life, and I am miserable due to it.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I totally understand! I have had problem with my right ball of my foot since 2009. I had a boot for a fracture , I had several MRI s , no neuroma just pain pain pain, I even had surgery to remove the nerve between my 3rd and 4th toes. I have been to 8 doctors nobody can find out what it is!!! It is a hard nodule under the ball of my foot. I am wondering if you found out what it could be!!!

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