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Medial Ankle Sprain/pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    Hey guys, I have a medial ankle sprain for 3 weeks now, and was wondering if any of you ever had one and how long it took to heal? I've had plenty of lateral ankle sprains but never a medial one. I'm still having some pains while walking, not too bad but I still feel it after 3 weeks and can't run or walk for a long time. Any tips?
  2. Biomech

    Biomech New Member

    Medial ankle sprains(assuming it was your deltoid ligament that was damaged - did you get a diagnosis?) can be a long time healing as one of the natural movements of the foo(pronation) will involve a certain amount of inherant tension in the deltoid ligaments. The tissues will heal but only if the aggravating force is removed/reduced to within the limits of stress for that particlar structure.

    I am assuming it is a ligament as you have said sprain. If you haven't had it diagnosed it could be muscular

    If it does not settle over the next little while, I would be inclinied to see a musculo skeletal podiatrist who may be able to diagnose whether it is muscular or liagamentous. Either way, they should be able offer some type of treatment which could be continued rest or perhaps ankle taping to reduce the stress on the injured structure and allow it to heal.

    My point being that it could be one of several different problems and the only way of determining this is to see the right person.

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