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Feet swell up daily and I'm sick of it

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    A quick history....5 years ago, one of my feet began bothering me and within a few days, I could not put any weight on it. Turns out I partially tore a ligament and had a walking boot for awhile. A few months later, the same thing happened to my other foot.

    Ever since then, they swell almost every day to varying degrees. I have extremely high arches, and the swelling occurs on the outside of my feet and near my little toe. I saw a second podiatrist about 6 months ago, who fitted me with high end orthodics. The swelling was noticeably better for a month or two, but it's now back to how it was.

    I'm in my early 30's and want to get back to running, among other activities. My feet will not allow it. I'm hoping someone here has experienced similiar issues and has some words of advice!

    Thanks everyone!!

  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I am also having the same problem. My feet will swell up one day then go down when I sleep and swell up again the next day. I have not gone to the doctor yet, but I will be going monday.

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