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Metatarsal fracture just the start of my problems!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Annette0608, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. Annette0608

    Annette0608 Guest

    Members do not see these Ads. Sign Up.
    I had a 1 mm spiral fracture of the mid shaft of my 5th metatarsal left foot on Feb 6th, thought I had just sprained it at first and I thought I should get an xray just in case 3 days later, which was just as well. I rolled my foot outwards and it fractured where the strap of my sandal was.
    My GP put me in a cam boot, NWB and immobile for 6 weeks and another x-ray in 4 weeks. I was taking the boot off for showers only and to sleep in it at night. This was so uncomfortable and eventually I started getting a sore knee from sleeping in it.
    I had x-ray on 11th March and report said still no healing and a gap of 3 mm! I started to worry then and my GP booked me in to see a ortho surgeon for a second opinion. Ortho surgeon said he saw healing of the bone and that the x-ray was slightly different angle, thus creating an illusion of being wider. I was to continue on as I was and another x-ray on 30th March. What he also told me was I could move my toes and do some ankle movements. My GP told me to keep my foot immobile when the boot was off for washing and maybe this has caused my mobility problems later now.
    Another x-ray on 30th March with some healing but signs of osteopinia (I have this from a bone density test 2 years ago as well) so my ortho said I could ditch the boot and crutches and wear xtrainers, walking 15 mins per day and do stretches and see him end of May for another x-ray. I rang his surgery 2 weeks later on 13 Apr because of pain other than the fractured area and I still couldn’t walk without crutches and I suggested physio. There is a lot of pain in the cushioned area underneath my foot right in the middle, I am guessing the tips of 3 and 4 metatarsal area. His receptionist called me back the next day and said the doctor said to leave it another 4 weeks, if no change then ring again.
    Should I wait another 2 weeks and to see if the pain does get better or get a second opinion from a podiatrist, I have an appointment with my GP this Friday to schedule my bi-annual bone density scan, should I ask her opinion. I worry that the longer I leave walking on it the worse the osteopinia will get but I also worry the pain in my foot is something else wrong. I am a healthy 56yrs and non smoker and do a lot of hiking which I am missing greatly. Don’t know if that is relevant or not.
    Regards Annette, Australia
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest


    I broke my 5th metatarsal just before Christmas & I had a half pot on for 2 weeks, then a full pot on for 8 weeks, coming off early in March.

    I had a bone density scan a couple of weeks ago & it shows I have Osteopenia. This has shocked me as I don't smoke (had a few in my teens--nothing since 17) & I have kept very fit doing tap, jazz, stage, aquafit, swimming, hiking, tai chi/quiqong to say the least.

    I too am 56, but I do have chronic asthma--have had it for over 10 years & I believe the inhalers might be responsible.

    I would ask the advice of your podiatrist. They seem more clued up that the Doctors. :)
  3. Gillian E

    Gillian E New Member


    I replied to your msg as an unregistered guest.
  4. annette0608

    annette0608 Guest

    Hi Gillian, sorry for not replying, I didn't get notification and had given up on anyone replying. I am still battling with my foot, mostly ankle. After 2 months in a boot and 1 month struggling with walking, my final xray 3 months after fracture showed extreme osteopenia in my foot! It is amazing that it can come on so quickly. My girlfriend was under extreme stress in her life and lost a lot of weight and ended up with osteoporosis so quickly. I recently had a bone density as well showing osteopenia. Trying to lift weights and still trying to walk. A visious circle. Walking hurts, not walking will make bone density of foot worse and might cause more pain. Use weights and eat lots of calcium rich vegies. I too am usually fit with hiking walking dog 1.5 hrs each day and yoga. Feeling useless at the moment and can only have paracetamol for pain.

    Does anyone know if the bone density loss in a foot would cause more pain in walking, especially around ankle?
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Hi Annette,

    I would visit your podiatrist if I were you. I thought I was messed about a bit, but your situation is ridiculous.

    Since my break I have noticed my foot doesn't sit in my slip ons properly, sliding to one side. When I next see my GP I am going to ask to see a podiatrist.

    I think they should've operated on my foot. The break was a nasty one & the nurse at A & E said it needed pinning. She'd been there 18 years & was surprised they weren't keeping me in to do it. I think it was down to the weather & them having so many patients with broken bones. We had thick snow & icy conditions at the time. I injured mine falling down the stairs. :)

    Take care Annette & I hope you get it sorted soon.
  6. Gillian E

    Gillian E New Member

    Hi, It registered me as a new guest again. I've read back & noticed about the pain in your foot. I am still having a lot of pain in my foot & I know osteopenia is not in my foot or legs. I have it in my lower spine & I've been having aching in that area for months--I just put it down to my age.

    I hope you get it sorted soon. Like you--I am a hiker & love to walk. I still manage it but I suffer after. :)

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