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Bones not aligned

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Meelie, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. Meelie

    Meelie Guest

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    I broke my 5th metarsal 6 weeks ago and had the bone manipulated to align it before I was put in a cast for 5 1/2 weeks non weight bearing. I went for my follow up appointment and had the cast removed and a check xray. The radiologist told me the bones were no longer aligned and that it was likely they would have to be realigned and I would need to have another cast!! But when I saw the orthopaedic dr he told me I could full weight bear in a walking boot. What I'd like to know is whether because these bones are no longer in alignment, will this cause me problems later on? I'm an RN and need to know what sort of time period I am looking at for recovery as well please.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    As an RN, you certainly should know that no one who has not seen your x-rays and examined you could possibly give you an answer on which you should rely and isn't that the reason for you question?
  3. Meelie

    Meelie Guest

    As an RN who DOES NOT work in orthopedics I am asking what I believe is a legitimate question. I only ask whether I will have problems later on because my bones are not aligned! If you cannot answer my question then perhaps you should not have answered at all ???
  4. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Ah, but I DID answer your question. You are just being too stubborn to listen to it and too blind to see it. My answer was NOT predicated on thinking that you were an RN working in orthopedics. But as a professed medical profession, that does not afford you an excuse for not understanding that a question such as you asked cannot be accurately answered by someone who knows no essential facts about your case. Just because you don't get the answer you want is not a reason for claiming you got no answer. You actually got the most medically appropriate one. I can only hope that better medical judgment prevails when you treat your patients.
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  5. meelie

    meelie Guest

    And so from my previous response you believe you can make remarks regarding my nursing skills and have also determined that I am blind and stubborn ! This from someone who has neither met me nor knows me! May I suggest Unregistered guest that perhaps you take up a hobby elsewhere rather than trolling this site where persons seek answers regarding their own health problems.
  6. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Contrary to your assertion, I made no remark regarding your nursing skills. I merely suggested that I think it would be nice if, in fact, you employ better medical judgment when providing nursing services to your patients than it would appear you employ when making decisions regarding your own health and well-being. If you choose to conclude that your personal judgment is indeed reflected in your professional duties, that is entirely up to you. I don't know you well enough to definitively make that assertion, but I need not know you personally to infer the quality of your judgment in this particular matter. As far as my assertion that you are being stubborn, I think that you have made that entirely clear by your staunch refusal to consider and to strongly rebel against rational advice when it is given. As far as your being blind, I think that you are aware that that is a figuative analogy reflecting your inability to "see" the logic in what I recommended, and it has nothing to do with your occular health. Might I in turn responsed to your closing suggestion by returning the favor and myself suggesting that when you ask a question in a forum and you obtain a reply which does not meet your predetermined expectations, there is no cause to suggest that the responder is a troll.
  7. meelie

    meelie Guest

    How you can make remarks regarding my nursing judgements based on my question is beyond me. I merely asked a question to which the answer may provide another experts opinion. I am intelligent enough to realise the answer may not be definitive. By the way, my questions were actually aimed at the Foot Doc, someone perhaps more qualified than yourself to answer such questions, so perhaps you should take your comments elsewhere. Oh well at least your replies help keep my post at the top of the list.
  8. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Once again, I believe that I have made it entirely clear that I made no assumptions regarding your judgment in performing your professional duties. What I clearly questioned was your judgment in regard to your own health and well-being, especially in light of your being a trained medical professional, and I advanced the hope that your judgment regarding your personal medical situation, which I do believe to be flawed, is NOT a reflection of your judgment in the performance of your professional duties. You seem to conclude that I have said it is, and I have now told you twice that I did not. I can make it no more clear.

    Once again, you asked a question in regard to your own health which, in my opinion, a medical professional should have understood could not be accurately answered even by an expert professional without his having first hand knowledge of your case and situation. I stand by that assertion.
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  9. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Being unable to ignore a direct call for my opinion, I'll give one.

    First of all, in regard to fractures, the typical radiologist is on the diagnostic, not the treatment side of the issue, and his/her expertise in such situations is normally to report findings, not advise treatment options. That is generally best left in the hands of a competent clinician. That being said, I would have to agree with "Unregistered" in that there is not enough information available to someone not seeing the x-rays and examining you to determine what meets standards of care regarding your situation. There is no indication as to how much mal-alignment exists or in what plane it exists, and therefore, expectations that future problems if not corrected surgically will or will not occur is beyond the realm of realistic possibility. Medicine is as much art as science and attempts at perfection for perfections sake are often fraught with other dangers. It is up to the treating doctor to determine whether or not a non-perfectly positioned fracture warrants the inherent dangers of surgical intervention, and that is not something that a third party, such as me, can be expected to assess without knowing you and the precise particulars of your situation.

    I am not going to get involved in what you seem to think is brouhaha with "Unregistered" over your abilities as a nurse, other than to say that I would agree that as a medical professional yourself, your thought process in matters medical is and should be held to a higher standard than would that of a lay person under similar circumstance, and even if you have no direct knowledge of orthopedics, you should understand that meaningful advice cannot be obtained from even a profession who cannot possibly have the necessary facts for such opinion. The proper procedure when one has doubts and concerns regarding the quality of his/her medical advice or treatment is to obtain a second opinion from a well-vetted second specialist. Whether your lack of adherence to common medial sense in this personal issue is reflected in your professional life I cannot say, and thus have no opinion, though I, too, hope it is not, but do not wish to argue the point.
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  10. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Somewhat childish behavior here, without question.

    I don't know anything about the bones in the feet, but I know the bones from below my ankle that extend into my toes are not lined up and it's been giving me problems since I was 13. I like to run and sometimes my foot just gives out. It doesn't "hurt" but there is some kind of sensation that causes me to shift weight off of that foot when it occurs.

    It was broke when I was 2 months old and the doctor/nurse, whoever, put the cast on too tight and it did not heal properly. Apparently I was screaming in pain and the doctor told my mom she was just being an overprotective mother. Until the day the cast came off and puss and blood poured out. That was in 1977. Not that I needed to explain, but it does show doctors err too and should listen to a parent.

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