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Ingrown toenail surgery?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 1, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I have an ingrown toenail on one side of my big toe. I'm only 16 and it's the first time it's happened. It hurts so bad when anything touches the front of my toe - too bad for me to try and trim it myself. Besides the pain, it's not severe/bloody. I don't think it's infected, but I clean it multiple times a day. It looks normal besides the redness/swelling around the front. I'm very sensitive to pain, so does the surgery/injection hurt? Will it need surgery/local anesthetic? Thank you.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I am 15 and i just had surgery on my big toe Wendsday. The gave me three numbing shots in my big toe. They did hurt bit, but i am very afarid of needles a shots and i did just fine. When my toe was numb they took off my whole toenail, beacuse i had an ingrown toenail on both sides of my toe for you they will just cut a small sliver of the side of the nail that is ingrown. The whole surgery took about 25 minutes and my toe was numb the rest of the day. It did hurt after that but nothing 2 advil couldent handle. Hope this helps you! And if i were you i would get it done I'm so glad i did, you dont actually realise how much pain you have been in till its gone.!!!
    Last edited: May 14, 2011
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    i had both sides of both toenails removed a year ago do to that and i was put completly out and numbed it does hurt a lil afterward but not bad i am also gettin the hole nail removed on both big toes in 3 days

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