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Gastroc recession

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Joellenemm, May 26, 2011.

  1. Joellenemm

    Joellenemm New Member

    I am 42 yr old mother of three. My ankles have become inflexible after knee surgery in 2005. I have been trying to stretch for the past few years. I have used all my physical therapy session for this year. I am finding it harder to get around. The x-ray find a bony structure that is not allowing me to gain dorsiflexion. I also have very tight calf muscles. I know that because if this issue I have some hypomobility in one foot a little more then the other...also I feel like that knee has also become compromised. So I just recently found out about this procedure and am trying to weigh my options and to find a really great surgeon. I am hoping to learn from others who have had this procedure done and their outcomes. Thanks.


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