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Constant pain in foot around top of ankle

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, May 29, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I have had pain around my ankle and top of foot for several months now. The pain is around a 5 out of 10. It is worse 7-8 when I bear weight and so I limp alot especially when I first stand to walk. It eases up after a while though - down to a 3. It's like a constant dull throb but then hurts more and means I can't walk for a bit. It hurts in the night & keeps me awake. Pain killers don't seem to do much. I cannot cross my legs while sat on floor as it's too painful. If I kneel down then get up I can't walk. Have trying to find similar problems to help but can't. It doesn't particularly hurt to touch and I can move it freely. Any ideas? Thank you.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Ive had the same symptoms....one dr. said it was gout, one said tendonitis, one said its just inflamed....nothings works....i soak my foot in ice water and it eases the pain alittle.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have something very similar. Terrible foot pain, ankle pain, hurts to walk, worse in the morning or when I've been inactive. I have Sarcoidosis.

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