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PTT Surgery

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by LuciaS, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. LuciaS

    LuciaS New Member

    I had surgery to repair a torn posterial tibial tendon in August 2009. My podiatrist put in a cadavar bone wedge, on the opposite side of my foot, to rebuild the arch, which I was told is standard procedure for this type of tendon repair. I did the required 7 weeks in the cast, non-weight bearing. I came out of the cast and did 8 weeks of physical therapy. My foot seemed to be improving, but I always had trouble with the side of the foot where the bone wedge was inserted. Unfortunately, 21 months later, I am having worse problems with this side of my foot. I just recently went back to my surgeon and told him that the problems have really gotten a lot worse. He sent me for an xray and I have an appointment to see him on June 6. I don't know if anything will show up on the xray, because he did an xray before I came out of the cast, and he did not indicate there was anything there at that time, he said the bone wedge was healed into my bone. I get intermittent extreme muscle cramps on that side of my foot. I sometimes feel a clicking in the bone area. I get an extreme burning sensation on that side also. These symptoms come and go and I never know when it will be a "good foot day" or a "bad foot day". I've tried to keep a foot journal, but I can't figure out why I have good and bad days. Now the bad days outnumber the good days. I think it may be related to what I've done the day before, but that does not always apply. My worse day so far was yesterday morning. The pain woke me up in the middle of the night. When I got out of bed in the morning the pain was so intense I had a hard time putting weight on it. I had a hard time getting ready for work, it did not let up until the afternoon. When I get the cramps, it helps to stretch my foot, but that did not work yesterday. Today, it is a lot better, I was able to get up and walk all day. I don't know what I am going to do if he wants to do more surgery. This pain is now worse than the tendon tear pain. I'm not sure if my surgeon has any idea why I am having this pain, any suggestions?

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