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big toe pain, but not gout (I think)

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by SteveK, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. SteveK

    SteveK Guest

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    About 12 years ago I woke one morning, threw my feet out of bed, and was greatly surprised by the pain in my right foot's big toe.

    I hadn't hurt the foot the days prior. Couldn't understand how I could go to sleep feeling great and wake up the next day in such pain.

    Sick call didn't help, was given aspirin and no specific diagnosis except "it's not gout." Months later, when the pain had still not gone away, I was given a profile to stop running. Ran a little anyway when the pain and swelling reduced somewhat. (I was in the Army, and didn't like the idea of not being a full participant in all our activities.)

    Over the years since then, the pain went away completely unless I walked too much. Too much would be about a mile.

    Am writing now because the pain and swelling have returned, and I can't get rid of it. Ice helps but it lasts only a few hours.

    Symptoms: Big toe joint is swollen. Slight bump on side of joint. Hurts more when I start my walk, seems to get a little better after a few minutes but pain never goes away. Am compensating for the pain by walking on the side of my foot.

    Am male, 64, in good health otherwise (take no medications), not overweight, and I exercise regularly. My job requires no walking except for the long walk from the parking lot.

    Aside from ice and ibuprofen, which aren't working, what else could I try?

  2. Windbreaker

    Windbreaker New Member

    Perhaps you should see a doctor and get checked for uric acid. Very simple blood test. If it is gout, there is medication for it.
  3. SteveK

    SteveK Guest

    Thanks, but am sure it's not gout. Have none of the symptoms (except pain in one foot's big toe, of course). Definitely don't have any extra sensitivity in that area. Also vaguely remember being tested for gout when pain first occurred, and nothing was found.

    I think the key symptom is that I went to sleep with no pain and woke up with much pain and a swollen toe.

    How the heck does THAT happen?

    Is it possible that all the running I did in the Army, to include in combat boots in the 1960s, is the cause?

    Sesamoiditis, maybe?

    Or just plain old arthritis?
  4. Windbreaker

    Windbreaker New Member

    Waking up with pain in the big tow you didn't have when you went to bed is certainly one of the main symptoms of gout. My advice would be to get tested again. If the test is negative, then it's time to see your regular doc for an exam. I really think this is about the extent of the advice you will receive on this forum.

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