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Pain in big toe

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Lisa Meyer, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. Lisa Meyer

    Lisa Meyer Guest

    I was playing hockey 4 nights ago and had very sharp pain that I thought was occuring on the top of the joint of the big toe on my right foot. I couldn't skate at all and had to adjust the laces and try again. It pretty much went away. I was then playing hockey Tuesday morning and the pain was so bad, even with several attempts at re-lacing my skates, that I could barely play. On Tuesday evening I went swimming in the lake and noticed that as I was extending and kicking my foot, I was feeling this radiating pain. It's very sharp and burning, and feels like a nerve. After poking around for a day or so, I realize that I can cause the pain to occur by rubbing or touching on the space between the two major ligaments (?) at the very front of my lower leg. If I push harder, the pain becomes quite fierce. If I just stroke the place gently, I can feel this electic like shock run down through my foot to the joint. It's so strange! What is this? What should I do? I play hockey several times a week and it's really disturbing that I can't skate. Thanks.

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