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cracked heels

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I wanted to find out what might be causing my newly cracked and painful heels (i.e. ageing & menopause?) and what would help them. I came across a post on this site-- not from the Doc--which recommended filling the cracks in with super-glue to limit pain during healing. This can't be ok?
  2. ladynm

    ladynm New Member

    I am a 49 year old, obese female with "farm feet". I had what I referred to as dinosaur feet they were so painfully thick with callus's, cracks, scales and just in general UGLY. I have learned to live with them and they got worse after menopause.

    But I have found a Cure! I bought some Blue Goo cracked heel ointment and started to use it two to three times a day. A month later, I have baby soft feet with only a tiny amount of callus showing. I can't believe it!

    AFter a lifetime of going barefooted, wearing high heels (in my thinner and glamorous days) and carrying the weight around....what was embarrassing is now a thing of the past. I am diabetic and can't believe the change! I wish I had taken "before" pictures just to prove to you. The investment is tiny...just look on Amazon or even better, go to their website. It is the ointment with the foot on the lid. I ordered three and the cure happened only after 1 1/2 tiny jars of it.

    Let me know what you think!
    Good luck!
    Blue Goo Cracked Heel Foot Softener
  3. ladynm

    ladynm New Member

    What I forgot to say is soak your feet in Epsom salt once a week and scrub them 1/2 way through the soak. This helps to remove the dead skin. After properly drying your feet, add the blue goo cracked heel ointment and put your feet up for a little while. You will be amazed after three weeks of the treatment that your foot problems are a thing of the past. I am not joking...my feet were horrendous! Now I am so proud of them and the pain has left completely.

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