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Toenail removal - post op expectations

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    My right toenail was ingrown on both sides (and infected) and therefore my entire toenail had to be removed. i had the procedure done on Wednesday, was given an occlusive bandage and told it could be removed today.

    I've taken off the bandage and it looks TERRIBLE. It's bloody, vaguely watery (maybe pus?), uneven slab of flesh. Like something out of a horror movie. I'm not even sure how the nail would grow back if it stays this way, the tissue of the quick is so mangled. I expected blood, but not this.

    With the exception of some throbbing when I stand or put my foot up, I don't have any significant pain so far. My toe as a whole is swollen, but there doesn't seem to be any kind of systemic infection (which I believe is identified through redness in the veins extending from the toe - none of that).

    I guess I am wondering if this is normal or whether I should hassle my doctor. I don't want to be the nervous patient who calls him over non-issues, but unfortunately, he hasn't given me much information as to what to expect. :eek:\
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    The reason you choose and pay a doctor instead of someone picked at random off the street is to take proper and professional care of you. Some of that professional care involves seeing to it that the patient is told in advance what to expect and to subsequently answer questions and allay concerns which come up and trouble the patient. Patients are not to be expected to know what their toe should look like post-operatively unless they have been so instructed. It is NOT "hassling" a doctor to have your concerns addressed, even if it is simply to tell you that there is no problem. If your doctor does not feel that way, he cannot be a very good doctor. Call him
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    You make a good point and I will call the hospital tomorrow.

    I was going to let it go for a few days since there was no pain, but when I went out yesterday, I put on a bandaid and put on running shoes that I felt would give my toe reasonable space, but right now it did not look good. It has a patch that looks whiteish/yellow, which I apologize, is gross, but is true.

    So, i will call tomorrow.
    thanks again.

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