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left foot metatarsal bust

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by chainsaw, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. chainsaw

    chainsaw New Member

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    hey guys

    newbie in the house. and a newbie with busted bones. long story short, i took 2 flying steps to go upstairs, and i don't know..heard the crack, felt it break, and down like a sack of poop i went balling my eyes out. i knew i broke it right off the hop. spent 5 hrs at emerg only for them to tell me i "did myself in real good." they threw me in an aircast, and when i asked all the questions, they simply stated, no pressure for 2 weeks on it at all, go back to emerg and sit for 8 hrs for another set of xrays, and a prognosis, and if all goes well, it SHOULD heal in a matter of 6 weeks. should? you as a doc don't know? i got NO paperwork, nothing...frankly i'm NOT impressed with the hospital my hubby took me to (we didn't know, it was close). well, myself, looking at my xray, other than the queasy feeling i get, i know it's more than a normal break. i'm contemplating on going for a secondary opinion. i know ya'll arn't doctors in this matter, but honestly...what do you guys think? reading up on this stuff (i'm one for research) i'm finding that its an 8 week heal time, that this is a significant break and everyone that sees it tells me that a pin may be involved,...all i know is that i'm in severe pain allllll day and night...t3's just don't cut it! what do you guys think? any of you endure something this severe?!

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  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I recently went through an experience similar to you, breaking my 5th metatarsal on my Right foot. I am in disbelief that the ER Dr. did not give you instructions to see your family physician the next day for a referral to a specialist. I am in the medical field but it does not take one to see thay your injury is not a simple stress fracture. The amount of bone that needs to fill in that gap is immense. I do not know if they can align it non surgically or not, that is up to the DR. that examines you. I can share that bearing any weight on the foot or rotating the foot can cause the seperation to widen; which is what happened to me within the first week. I was in a non weight bearing cast for 6 weeks after that happened and then a walking boot for 4; I am 2 weeks out of the boot and still have swelling so bad that all I can wear is flip flops, 2 sizes larger than usual and even they get tight. I have been told there is still a chance I may need surgery but we are trying the least invasive route first. The gap in my break was lower on the bone and nowhere near the size of yours. You need to see a specialist. Good Luck
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Please go to either a podiatrist or foot and ankle ortho asap!!!
  4. chainsaw

    chainsaw New Member

    i think i may go back to the hospital sooner rather than later...frankly, like i mentioned, i really wasn't impressed how they treated the situation. they didn't even set my foot in the cast initially. i asked why not a fiberglass cast, "oh, you can shave your legs, you can remove it if you want..." like wth? set it PROPERLY!!! this is my life we're talking about...he mentioned seeing a specialist, but sent me home with no paperwork. frankly the shock was a bit too much to bear, and i honestly didn't realize it until i got home and relaxed. why no paperwork? why no set date? EVERYONE i've shown the xray to tells me i will more than likely require surgury..and again, honestly, if i need it, do it. i want to be able to run. i want to be able to rollerblade. and i don't want to miss my snowmobiling this winter due to a busted foot. i could freak, but the hubby is helping me keep my melon cool about it. i may go in earlier for the secondary xrays...what's 2 or 3 days going to make if i go in earlier? the xray he showed from the side of my foot, i could've puked. it was from the inside, going out, and the bone is pointed downwards to the sole of my foot. ugh! i hate the canadian healthcare system! free, but you wait for 9 hrs and doc's are useless!!!
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I broke my 5th met, in the Canadian healthcare system, and got great service, so it's not the system, it's the doctor who treated you and didn't tell you what you needed to know. I suggest you go back, or go to your own doc if you have one, and ask all the questions you need answers to and don't leave until you get them.
  6. chainsaw

    chainsaw New Member

    i don't know...unless you're pretty much on your death bed, most hospital visits i've had arn't very quick. longest i endured in years past was an 8 hr wait...and the nurse gave me bigtime grief about it. possible scaphoid break after a snowmobile crash, only place in town with an xray facility, and she tells me i needed to go see the doctor at his office? um,..please. grandparents are taking me in tomorrow for the xrays. the hubby keeps telling me i have nothing to worry about, but my gut tells me otherwise. i want to be optimistic, but reading up and looking at similar situations with others tell me i may require some surgical help. as much as i'm scared about it, if it needs to be done, do it. and even if these guys tell me i'm fine, i will be requesting to see an ortho. i want to be 100% sure on this and get an answer. not "you'll be fine, 6 weeks to heal..." then run into issues and find out that, oh, i do need surgury anyways.

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