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Damaged Tendon pain?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Wayney, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. Wayney

    Wayney Guest

    Hey All

    First time on this forum.

    Ive had heel pain for a few weeks, spoke to Doctor who said take ibuprofen daily for 2 weeks and rest as much as i can. I took a week off work and rested (self-employed courier), 2 weeks later still bad. Saw Doctor again who said ive damaged the tendons. Most likely need an operation or injection in the future, but try a few things first. He suggested getting a heel cup? Ive looked around and they seem to vary a lot. From £5 at Sports Direct, to £50+ custom made by the chiropractors.

    My question is, what type would i need? would one from JJB or Sports direct do what i need it to do (reduce the pain when i walk) without costing the earth?

    Thanks in advance :)


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