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broken 2, 3, and 4 metatarsals with displacement....just fell on it and now have constant tingling a

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by AliciaM, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. AliciaM

    AliciaM New Member

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    I broke my middle three metatarsals a week ago with a displacement on the 3rd metatarsal that they had to pop back into place This morning I lost my balance and fell. Natural reaction caused me to try to catch my balance with my broken foot. When I made impact I felt this intense feeling shoot up my leg, but it didn't hurt, it just felt weird. Since then I have had constant tingling in the ball of my foot and toes and it feels weird to touch it. I am in a splint and have been very careful not to put any weight on it. I haven't really had much pain at all except when I sleep at night my leg and foot stretch involuntarily and I wake up with pain, so my question is is it possible that I have nerve damage and do you think I should go to the emergency room or wait until my doctor appt in two days?
    Lynnie likes this.
  2. Lynnie

    Lynnie New Member

    How did you heal?

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