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Curly toes

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I am a 27 year old female with congential curly toes that have remained asymptomatic throughout my life up to two months ago. My fourth toes have the greatest deformity, although I do have promiment tailor's bunion's on both feet. I am an athlete: a competitive swimmer and fitness competitor, and my hobbies tend to err on the more rugged/active side as well so I do use my feet more than an average person. About two months ago I started to notice some pain in the area of my fourth toe on my right foot. The pain progressed despite bandaging the affected foot, wearing shoes with wide toe-boxes, and soaking it in epsom salt. About a week ago I inspected it closely, and found what appears to be a hole in the curvature of the curly toe from where it passes underneath the third toe. Today, that hole is bigger in circumference. There doesn't seem to be any infection: the area appears dry with no redness or warmth to the touch and the "wound" appears almost to be a concave grayish blister. It is markedly tender and the pain is very noticeable upon walking. I just recently broke my ankle in an accident, and also have a grade 2 quad tear and avulsion fracture from a soccer injury, so the thought of having to see a doctor yet again is tiresome but is this an imminent concern for my podiatrist? And is this a surgical issue? I've heard that non-surgical approaches such as splinting and/or taping are rarely effective, but I also cannot see myself living with this pain untreated.

    Thanks for any help.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I suppose it's been a couple weeks, so I don't know if you're still waiting for a reply, but... Google "sore" or "skin ulcer" and you'll find it. Essentially, you were damaging deeper layers of skin than usual, which is why there's a hole. It may be gray rather than red from a lack of circulation. That's no proof that it isn't infected. If it still hasn't healed (mine sure wasn't healed in 2 weeks), make sure you go to a doctor for antibiotics.

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