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Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by dep880, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. dep880

    dep880 New Member

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    On March 24, 2011, I had a bad fall during a karate class and hurt my left foot. I went to the urgent care and they told me I had a bad foot sprain. They booted my left foot for a week and told me it should be getting better. Well, three months later, it was still hurting me. I went to my primary doctor who gave me a referral to a foot doctor. After an MRI, I was told I have a Lisfranc injury. That was four months after I injured my left foot. I was told by the doctor that surgery to "fix" the injury might not be an option. He said if the injury was caught earlier, surgery would be an option. He is getting a second option from another doctor who treats professional athletics. He said this type of injury is very severe with life long consequences, pain for life. The doctor said the other option is to fuse the bones together but that will still give me pain (for life).

    I am 40 years old and have two young kids. I feel confused and sad about my injury. Anyone has any good words of wisdom? Is surgery to "fix" the injury still an option?
  2. dep880

    dep880 New Member

    Well, I had the surgery six weeks ago. The surgeon used a tightrope and srcew to get my 1 and 2 realigned. So far so good. I was on a cast for almost five weeks. I am now walking on a air cast (black walking boot). I would recommend the tightrope to anyone who has a this type of injury.

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