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*** Insect Bite, Boil, or Ulcer ***

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Relig, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. Relig

    Relig New Member

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    I have a place in between my big toe and 2nd toe. Its flip flop weather and Ive been doing some moving and stuff. When I first noticed the pain I just thought it was the thong part of the flip flop just rubbing the skin raw. Its very possible it could be a insect bite, but theres no swelling. Ive been keeping an eye on it, because if it was to swell up, obviously I would seek medical attention. As of right now I cant wear flip flops obviously and I walk with a noticeable limp, but its not like excruciating pain or anything. A spider bite would swell wouldnt it? The spot is about as big as a pencil eraser, but it doesnt protrude out as far as an eraser. My 2nd toe nor my 1st is swollen. I can take a pic if needed, but I was just trying to figure out what it is so I can take the next step as far as medication or lancing if I have to. Thanks for any input!
  2. ShoeShine

    ShoeShine New Member

    It would be hard to tell without a picture, but I would bet that it's an insect bite or a boil. I don't think that ulcers hurt. At least, I have never heard that they do. I could be wrong.
  3. Relig

    Relig New Member

    Ive tried to post pics, but I dont have enough posts or something. It said it has been sent to a mod for que. I have pics but I cant get them on here

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