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Possible Broken metatarsal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I hurt my foot a few weeks ago. I assumed it was just bruised. There was minor pain when touched (about a 3/10). I still feel a slight pain (a 1/10) when I touch it and I now noticed a hard bump in the area that feels like bone. My question is that now that so much time has passed is it too late for the bone to be reset if needed? Also should I just bypass urgent care and go to a specialist?
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I just had surgery to repair my Jones Fracture. I would just start calling around & get into a podiatrist ASAP. If you go to the urgent care they will do standard X-rays & it probably will not show. Even if it does they're gonna refer you to one anyway. I would wrap it in an Ace Bandage in the meantime & ice it. Depending on the break it may or may not need surgery but the urgent care won't do anything but maybe confirm it & wrap it. If you have some crutches by all means use them - you can usually get them in the pharmacy (Walgreens, CVS) anyway. Hope it's not that bad but definitely start calling around in the AM. You may get in right away! Good luck!!

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