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Severe foot pain

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Ang, Aug 4, 2011.

  1. Ang

    Ang Guest

    I work 45 hours a week at my job. I am on my feet 99% of that time.I have been working at this job for 3 months now.My feet have hurt the entire time I have worked with no stop. Well 4 days ago I woke up to BAD pain in my heel every time i put pressure on it. It got so bad I felt I was going to puke. I saw a family doctor and he told me it was Plantar fasciitis. Well I was looking it up and It does say it's pain of the heel but what is causing the stabbing pain in my arch and the ball of my foot now? Every time I put pressure on the rest of my foot now, I get the same stabbing pain. I have to take moltrin constantly just to get a little bit of help with the pain. What is causing this. Please help.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011

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