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Ball of foot pain - crushed during youth

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by blackmagic08, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. blackmagic08

    blackmagic08 New Member

    I am having pain in the ball of my right foot. When I was young the telephone company laid down a new telelphone pole on the edge of our lawn. I was walking along it and it rolled into the street. I tried to stop it (stupid) with my foot and it rolled over it and crushed it. It turned purple but at the time we did not think it was broken so didn't see a doctor. I am now 33 and it hurts like crazy, more of a constant ache especially when standing for long periods. The bone in that area clearly is larger and misformed than my left foot. I am worried that surgery might be my only option, right now I am taking nothing for it at all. Here are a few photos, please give any assistance possible. Thank you.

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