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Jones fracture long healing

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Bubbles, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. Bubbles

    Bubbles New Member

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    11/4/11: I broke my right 5th Met walking in the garden. Visit to A&E placed in slab back.

    20/4/11: Saw a registrar - It was diagnosed as a Jones fracture, place in a fibreglss cast and told no weight bearing. Followed this fully!

    5/5/11: Cast cut off and tested for DVT due to calf pain.

    18/5/11: Saw same registrar - Xray showed very little if any healing. Had cast removed replaced with walking boot and told to weight bear.

    As I had done some research I was not happy being in a walking boot, contacted the hospital to request to see a consultant asap. I felt that an operation would be best suited for me!

    25/5/11: Consultant, told me the fracture is not a Jones and that I did not need an operation and should stop wearing walking boot. Followed this advice. Later found out that he was a shoulder specialist! I was told that he would refer me over to see the foot consulatant in 4 weeks time. This did not happen, consistantly on the phone requesting an appointment to see to foot specialist. After phoning everyday an appoinment was booked for 19/7/11.
    Also have consistant pain on standing after resting feet. This subsides after about a minute.

    19/7/11: Saw different registrar, new xrays ordered for both feet. Started having pain in left foot - fear of stress fracture due to over use of left foot on crutches. Left xray clear, but as I now know sometimes do not show up on normal xrays. Jones fracture showed everso slight healing and new appointment to be booked for 8 weeks time. If not healed by then, would discuss next options - possibly surgery!

    I am still having pain at the point of break and still pain when standing after sitting for any length of time!

    Can anyone relate to this?
  2. Bubbles

    Bubbles New Member

    Hi Foot doc, can I just ask please, is it normal to have pain in the foot when standing after resting the foot for any length of time. My Jones fracture is now 17 weeks old. The pain is throughout the whole of the base of the feet. It makes me feel crippled when I stand, usually goes after walking/stepping for about 30 seconds / a minute! Hope you can help :)

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