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"lump" under foot after surgery

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I'm desperate at this point. In April of this year I had a bilateral bunion repair and Right foot 2nd hammertoe repair. My Left foot healed very well, but I am still having A LOT of pain in my right foot. I can only describe it as walking on a marble, but the pain is severe. I have had 4 cortisone injections, a walking boot, and was in a cast with no weight bearing for a month. The pain is the same. I have a sever limp and even walking the grocery store is exhausting. I am an RN and I am about to lose my job because I cannot be on my feet for more than an hour let alone 12 1/2 hrs to work. Physically there is no lump, there is a small amount of swelling under my 2nd toe. no callous, minimal nerve pain in my big toe. X-rays are clear and MRI shows 'swelling'. I have had a 2nd opinion that diagnosed RSD, but I do not believe that is what I have. I have been continuing to see my surgeon and will be going for a 3rd opinion. Would appreciate any input, comments, thoughts from anyone.
    Thank you
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Commiserations about your foot.
    Unfortunately I can offer no solution other than to say I have a similar problem in so far as I have a constant 'walking on a pebble sensation' after foot surgery three years ago to remove an alleged enchondroma from the dorso-lateral aspect of the left second metatarsal. The surgeon came up with no solution and I have long since ceased communication. I will have to bear the cost of an MRI, which similar to your case, may only say 'swelling'.

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