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Upcoming Revision Bunion Surgery

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jun 27, 2009.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I have decided to go ahead with revision surgery this August after 2 and a half years post surgery of hoping that things would get better in time. My new surgeon is going to revise the distal metatarsal osteotomy to try to reposition the metatarsal head into more anatomic alignment. So here's hoping...I am just wondering if you think that this will help address the fact that the tip of my toe sticks up at the end? My toe just feels jammed up like it is being pushed back into my foot. I also seem to have some nerve-like pain. I have been assessed for RSD and it has been ruled out. Recently, I have had a pulsing sensation, almost like an electrical current on the inside of my foot near the arch area. It also runs around the inside part of my heel. Does this sound anything like a nerve entrapment? My dr. is aware of my pain issues and said that if there is anything going on with the nerves in the area where he will be doing surgery, he will be addressing it. Thanks for any insight.
  2. FootDoc

    FootDoc New Member

    Revisionary surgeries are intended to fix unresolved problems from prior a surgery or surgeries or problems created by them. In order to even consider offering a meaningful answer to your question it would require knowing the source of your current complaint, and without your specifically offering that in medical-quality language, it would make no sense to even guess, as it would seem that your decision to have the next surgery might be predicated upon such a response. The key to meaningful recommendations on which one might rely is a knowledgeable evaluation, which is impossible in a forum venue. I would recommend that prior to any surgery, revisionary or otherwise, you obtain satisfactory answers for all your concerns from the attending surgeon prior to undergoing the knife. Only by a hands-on second opinion can you obtain quality adjunct information.

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