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Sore, red, puffy toe one year after ingrown toenail removal

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Tanner, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. Tanner

    Tanner Guest

    I had ingrown toenails removed from each side of my big toes. (4 removed) Now, one year later, the left side of my left toe which had the biggest nail removed is still very tender
    Sometimes. I work at the local Walgreens so
    I am in tennis shoes and on my feet a lot. About twice a month I sit down with the tweezers and pick away the loose skin that still grows around my nail. On this left toe the right side is still a hole with a scab and the left side is the tender side. Remember, I had this surgery over a year ago! I know that I should not pick only
    Toe where the nail was removed on te left side but I do pick on it because I'm trying to
    Relieve that pain. Sometimes it works, other times it makes it hurt a
    Lot more. I would like to know if
    I should consult my foot doctor again or schedule an appointment with another doctor for their opinion. The side of my toe that I am sleeping
    Of is always red and puffy just like it was before i had
    My ingrown nail removed. I don't think the nail has grown back but I'm jot sure. I would really like this pain to stop!
    Thank you for your help!! I can't wait to read your reply!! :)

    P.s. I have a toe picture I would love to share but I don't know how to add it.. :-/

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