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Big Toe Fusion

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by shelbsie, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. shelbsie

    shelbsie New Member

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    I've been told I have Osetoarthritis in my big toe and the only way to be pain free is to have it fused. I initially said ok, but now I'm not sure given all the restrions afterwards. I have a 2 year old who I have to run after regularly and so I'm thinking having the operation would make it alot more difficult to run after him. I'd be happy to hear from anyone whose had it done and their experiences to help me decide once and for all. I'm 40 and not sure whether I want to do this at my age.
  2. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Maybe a good idea to see other doctors for a second opinion before going under the knife.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Don't do it! I had a rt big toe fusion on Feb 25 and I am still in excruciating pain after almost 8 months. I have to take painkillers on a daily basis. I had an implant removed because that was bothering me after 3 years. The doctor said the fusion would rid me of the pain. I love to play golf and now I have trouble walking. I now have some kind of bone growth accelerator to use and it's a joke--it's not working. Maybe I'm an unusual case but it was one of the worst decisions I've made--I would love to be back just to the pain level I had with the implant.
  4. mezinpain

    mezinpain New Member

    hello i am in the same situation
    hi everyone
    please please can you help me? i am so stressing out. i am 36 years old and 11 years ago i went on a trip of a lifetime!!! i went on a contii tour which turned out to be life altering. We had just left france wherei had bought a cheap pair of shoes, in the hotel i had slipped i dont remember how trying to find my friend as her fiance had rang her, anyway to cut a long story short i did some serious damage on my foot.

    i had an operation 9 years later walking before that i was actually walking around with a ripped tendon and torn ligament and i dont konw what my surgeon did in 2006 but i was still in agony after the operation, not to mention pure agony for about 4 months, i also had a pin in my toe.

    now its 2 years after that operation and i am scheduled for a mock fusion op on tues on my big right toe (the same surgeon is going to put a pin in there) and i just dont know if i should do it! i am sooooooo scared, i dont know if its going to be worse orrr much much worse and i have a 3 year old to look after and am married.

    oh my quality of life is very bad as i am in pain every second of every hour!!! please should i get this op or not?

    i just want this toe agony to finish!
  5. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I had both feet done, no success!!
    I had five surgeries on the right one, first and second time, it did not fused-the last one-two years ago- left me with more pain than before the surgery.
    I was a very happy and activeperson-today, I say No to a lot of things becaue I am in constant pain.
    Think carefully and get more than one opinion before you do it.

    The firts surgery was done by a podiatrist- they said I went to the wrong DR, to go to an orhtopedist- I did- he did the last three surgeries.

    I spent a year away from work and any major activities to heal properly---did not work

    Good luck!
  6. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Oh thx so much for responding to my msge, i appreciate it!!

    I didnt go thru the surgery i was too scared, petrified. But on the other hand i live with unfathomable pain--so unfortunately their is no light @ the end of the tunnel, even though i pray for a miracle daily.

    I am in soooooo much pain i cant take it. Its soo depressing. I was an extra on mcleods daughters in 03, a complete knock-out,, now 9 years later i am almost unrecognizable with 45 kilos in weight gain :(((((((((

    Thank you again for your response
  7. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    GOh thx so much for responding to my msge, i appreciate it!!

    I didnt go thru the surgery i was too scared, petrified. But on the other hand i live with unfathomable pain--so unfortunately their is no light @ the end of the tunnel, even though i pray for a miracle daily.

    I am in soooooo much pain i cant take it. Its soo depressing. I was an extra on mcleods daughters in 03, a complete knock-out,, now 9 years later i am almost unrecognizable with 45 kilos in weight gain :(((((((((

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