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Jones Fracture Update

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Sep 21, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

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    I wanted to share my experience of having a Jones Fracture.

    Aug 15: Missed a step walking down the stairs. Went to ER and was diagnosed with Jones Fracture.

    Aug 26: Had surgery where a screw was placed to hold the bone together. Was placed in splint and then a walking boot (non-weight bearing) a few days later. Using crutches.

    Sept 13: Started putting partial pressure on my foot (while in the boot and on crutches). Started physical therapy the following day.

    Sept 19: Started putting as much pressure as I can on my foot (while on 1 crutch and still in the boot). Had my second physical therapy session 2 days later.

    I plan to stop using crutches and start using a cane on Sept 25. I am due to see the doctor for xrays on Oct 5.

    For those who have had surgery with a Jones Fracture I have a few questions:
    1. For how many weeks after surgery did you still need to wear the boot?
    2. How difficult was it to transition from wearing the boot to not having to wear it? Did you wear normal shoes?
    3. How important did you find physical therapy/did you need it?
  2. Progress

    Progress Guest

    Excellent news about your progress.

    "I have a few questions:"
    "1. For how many weeks after surgery did you still need to wear the boot?"

    6 weeks

    "2. How difficult was it to transition from wearing the boot to not having to wear it? Did you wear normal shoes?"

    Not at all difficult

    "3. How important did you find physical therapy/did you need it?"

    PT was not needed, but I've seen others need it. Just do ankle rotations and such for 30 minutes a day. Keeps you somewhat flexible. That will help with less stiffness when you return to walking normal.
  3. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    Thanks so much for your response! Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since I've had surgery. Hopefully I can be out of this boot and back to walking again soon!
  4. Injured Girl

    Injured Girl Guest

    How long after you are out of the boot can one start wearing heels again (4 inch heels)?
  5. Injured Girl

    Injured Girl Guest

    Update: I stopped using crutches and started using a cane on Sept 24. I have my doctor's appointment where I am due for xrays on Oct 5. This fracture has made me so depressed and miserable. If anyone else is going through the same thing, please share your experiences.
  6. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I had a undiagnosed stress fracture on my right foot which turned into a Jones Fracture on 6/20. After 4 wks. of non-weight bearing in a CAM walker there was no change. So on 7/21 I had the screw put in. Wore a splint for a week then back in the boot, still no weight on it for a total of 8 wks. At my 8 wk. post-op appt. on 9/15 I was allowed to put weight on it & started PT last week 3x wk/6 wks. So far I am walking in my boot most of the time, starting with crutches & then changed to the cane which I currently use on & off. I try to wear my sneaker for an hour or so per day & have exercises to do at home each day. By evening, though, my foot is very sore & I use my knee scooter around the house. This part, like the bone-healing time, is excruciatingly slow. :( And I have to say that this is, by far, the most pain I've had since I broke it - even after the surgery! I totally understand your depression, too. I work as a P/T retail closing mgr. & have been out of work since I broke it. And because it was my right foot I couldn't drive either so my husband took paid (THANK GOD!!) FMLA with me since I couldn't do anything. I've gone through every emotion - depression, anger, boredom, you name it over the last 13 wks. I have a job to go back to but I have to be able to walk 1/2 mile on a treadmill pain-free before I'll be released so it'll probably be 8 wks. by both the therapist's & my dr's. estimates. I thought they were exaggerating but I can see now they aren't. I may start looking for a new job that doesn't require all the walking when I'm able to wear a normal shoe & can walk without the cane. It's both rough emotionally & financially. I do have good insurance but I work to pay my car pymt. & it's been really hard to not have that check. And with Christmas lurking it's gonna be a tough time.

    Good luck with your recovery & hang in there!! There's more than a few of us out here that know what you're going through!!
  7. Injured Girl

    Injured Girl Guest

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Good luck with your recovery too! Soon this will all be over and just be a distant memory. At least now we will never take being able to walk for granted ever again.
  8. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    So I saw my doctor this morning and had xrays taken. Part of it is healed, the other part is not. I have to wear the boot for 2 more weeks (don't need to use the cane though). He said that when I am at home I can walk on my foot without the boot. I will go back for xrays on Nov 2.
  9. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I had a Jones fracture this summer, and spent the whole summer in a boot, non-weight-bearing for 8 weeks and on crutches, then 4 weeks walking in the boot. The one thing I would stress is make sure you follow your doctor's orders, and if he/she says non-weight-bearing, take it seriously, he/she means it! I am healing well now, but do understand your depression. Like I said, follow dr's orders and you'll improve your chances of healing faster. Hand in there!
  10. Bjsmom19

    Bjsmom19 New Member

    Hi. I tripped in the street on July 9, 2011 and was dx w a jones fracture. I saw the md three weeks after and then I decided to do surgery. Had surgery aug 15. Went today and was told I can put my sneaker on. It feels weird but getting used to it. Also started Pt today
  11. Amari

    Amari New Member

    hmmm thanks for sharing ur experience with me i also have had the experience of physical therapy it is very good treatment but patient must have to so much patience becuase its a bit lengthy treatment sometimes patient just fed up left it........
  12. Bjsmom19

    Bjsmom19 New Member

    I have to tell u that I did Pt twice so far and already my foot feels much better.I'm starting to walk again and I'm thrilled. Good luck w everything

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