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Runners toe turned into horrible infection followed by extraction

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I'm struggling to find information on after care for toenail removal. So as a last resort I'm posting here.

    I'm an avid runner who have always struggled with runners toe on the second toe of both feet. Usually I am able to do away with the problem myself, namely pop blister under nail and nail eventually falls off with moderate to little discomfort. After my most recent half marathon I was in a great deal of pain. I popped both blisters and attempted to pull one of the nails off as it was already detached from nail bed. Decided to leave it alone however noticed a few days later warmness, swallowing and pain. I left for a week until it become unbearable. Surprise surprise I had a nasty infection that had been trated earlier would not have gotten as bad as it did. After 1 week on antibiotics the pain and swelling could only be described as worse. The doctor showed little interest in the problem, however this is typical of GP in the Netherlands. I ended up having to go into ER on the weekend due to shooting constant pain. She cut it around the outside to drain it and said to conintue with antibiotics. 2 days later still not better and pain is back, so went back to GP, nothing. Finally after 2 weeks of this I convinced him to just take the nail off thinking that would solve the problem of the throbbing pain. That it did, however I was provided no aftercare instructions of toe and after 1week I'm convinced something is not right. I

    I still have quite a bit of pain. Nail bed area is extremely tender and gross looking. I felt that the toe should have been cleaned after removal but he said it was fine and sent me on my way. I soak is 2x per day in something comparable to Epsom salt and keep antibiotical ointment on it.

    I have returned to running 4 days after removal witch is less than pleasant but manageable. I have trained so hard for a marathon which takes place next weekend. I realize this sounds silly, but anyone who has spent the time to really train for their first full marathon would understand how I cant just blow it off.

    Any advice I can get is appreciated. Perhaps I'm just impatient but my doctor is not approachable unfortunately on this matter. What is the average heal time? What can I do to help the process? Etc..

    Thanks for the help...

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