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Two different kinds of foot pain!

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I have two different kinds of foot pain ... one in each foot.

    The first is constant, and getting worse. It is on the outer left side of my left foot. If I was to trace a link to where the base of my fifth metatarsal is, that is where the pain is. It hurts to walk, hurts to press, hurts to twist, two spread out my toes, and to flex my foot up. I don't remember injuring it, but the pain seems to be getting worse.

    The second pain is in the middle of the bottom of my right foot--right in the middle of the "pad" beneath the toes. This only hurts when directly pushed. For example, in a foot massage, or when I step on something and it hits "just right" to push right in the middle, I get extreme pain.

    I am more concerned about the pain in my left foot ... is this something I should see someone about, or just treat the symptoms?


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