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Club Feet: What should I do?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by DiffGirl14, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. DiffGirl14

    DiffGirl14 New Member

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    I'm 18 years old. I was born with Club Feet and had surgery to repair it when I was only a few months old. As i got older, I started having more problems than I was supposed to have with my feet. I went to many different foot doctors, even a club foot specialist. All of them said I needed to have reconstructive surgery on my left foot because it needed it very badly. They said it looked like they just "threw my foot under a microscope and cut it up blind-folded". I'm in such terrible pain and dont know who I should go to, or what I should do. The thing that puzzles me is the woman who did my surgery, got fired about 3 months after she operated on me. Is it me or does that just seem a little strange? Please, I need all the help I can get.. ):
  2. SandraMu

    SandraMu New Member

    Hi! I was born with a left clubfoot 20 years ago and know how you feel! I had three surgeries and the last one didn't work out great, either. It's important that you find a specialist YOU really trust, take that time and discuss all possibilities, I've heard that some people had great results with surgery, others didn't... There are also possbilities with shoes or braces before considering surgery!?
  3. I'm 45 yrs old and was born with club feet had surgery on both, the left one is ok, but the right one has always been a problem. Both my ankles were fused. I cannot find any kind of shoe or sneaker that feels comfortable. I almost always walk with a limp. Has anyone had ankle replacement?

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