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Heel Spur Relief?

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by bworthey, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. bworthey

    bworthey New Member

    I've been having problems with a heel spur for about 6 months now. After a couple of months of hurting, I finally went to the doc, got 2 shots in my foot and immediately felt relief. Now, not so much. There are times that I can tell my heel feels swollen - I can tell when I walk on it. It's really to the point my entire foot hurts because I find myself walking differently on it and not putting as much pressure on the heel so now bones in the side of my foot hurt, and it's just all around bad.

    What exactly is the next step since I've already had 2 shots in my foot? My doc sort of leaned to that was usually all he did and all that he basically needed to do. I think he mentioned possibly some inserts for my shoe I think - anyone else got any experience with bone spurs in their heel?



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