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Sprained ankle

Discussion in 'Ask your questions here' started by Unregistered, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. Unregistered

    Unregistered Guest

    I find this forum really helpful. I sprained my ankle at a volleyball match 3 days ago, when I jumped at the net and landed on the opponent's foot. My ankle actually touched the floor and I heard a crack. The pain was terrible and the immediate swelling was so scary! I went to the ER where they x rayed it and told me it was a severe sprain but no break. But the bad news was that I needed to walk on it straight away and start putting my weight on it too. I could not do that without screaming but I tried. I put ice on it and kept it elevated all night but did not sleep because of the constant pain. The next day the pain was even worse but I still tried to use my bad foot as much as possible. I decided to call another hospital where they said to me that I should NOT walk on it for 48 hours (?). I asked them why the other hospital told me the opposite and why they did not give me crutches. They had no answer. It is now the 3rd day and my foot is still very swollen, all the way down to my toes. I am trying to walk on it but cannot manage a flat foot. I am a bit confused as per the mixed messages I have been given so far. I may buy some crutches online to help me move round the house. How long should I wait to go back to the hospital? Could they have missed a break at the x ray? I really want to do the right thing and not suffer long term problems with this injury. I am French and back home they would give you a cast as well as crutches for a minimum of 3 weeks for a sprain (entorse). Thanks for your help :)

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